God Always Wanted a Family

Why did God create humanity? I believe with all my heart that He wanted a family.

He already had mighty angels telling Him how great He was and even serving Him. By the fifth day of creation, He already created the vast animal kingdom to keep Him entertained. But, He wanted something more. He wanted those with whom He could enjoy relationship with on the most personal level.

Therefore, God had a meeting with Himself and decided,

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” (Genesis 1:26).

The proof that God wanted a family is that He made us in His image. These days, itʼs funny watching people to treat their pets like their baby. They baby-talk to their pets. They dress up their dog and allow their cat to sleep on their bed. Yet that animal doesnʼt have their image and is not after their likeness. They may all their little puppy their little baby, but they are over- stretching the definition of baby. That pup did not come out of them.

From Godʼs Heart

As an infant comes out of the mother, we have come out of God. He is the father of spirits (see Hebrews 12:9). Although our parents were the retailers, God is our manufacturer. The retailers job is to protect andpresent the item, but the quality is determined by the manufacturer! The eternal quality of our spirits have come from God.

We came out of His heart. Thatʼs why the Scriptures teach us that He knew us before we were even in the womb (see Jeremiah 1:5). Before we ever showed up on Planet Earth, we were in the womb of God. Just like every book was in the heart of the author before ending up in the local bookstore, you were in the Fatherʼs heart before you found yourself on the shelf of planet earth.

We were made in the Fatherʼs heart and for the Fatherʼs heart. As an infant finds his or her home at the breast of the mother. You will fill find rest for your soul when you are close to the Fatherʼs heart. On the contrary, the heart of every issue in our world is that people donʼt know Godʼs heart.

God is our Source

God spoke to the earth and commanded vegetation, plants, and trees to “come forth” (Genesis 1:11-12). That is why vegetables, plants, and trees are utterly dependent upon the earth.

Then, God spoke to the waters and commanded the creation of fish and sea animals to be (see Genesis 1:20-21). Hence, fish canʼt live out of water! The happiest place a whale can be is in the ocean!

Once more, God speaks to the earth and calls for the cattle and the beasts of the fields (Genesis 1:24-25). That is why cows can only thrive when grounded on the earth.

When God created humanity, He didnʼt address the earth or the seas. He did something so special. He spoke to Himself and said, “Let us make man

in our image, after our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26). When God made humanity, He didnʼt speak to the earth or the waters, He spoke to Himself.

While the fish find the water to be their source, and the cows find the earth as itʼs source, we come directly from God, He is our source. As fish canʼt live without water, and cows canʼt live in outer space, our spirits canʼt live apart from the presence of God.

God Imparted His Nature

The Psalmist wrote,

“You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you” (Psalm 82:6).

I know that verse makes some people nervous, and they wonder if the Bible promotes polytheism, the belief in many gods. Yet the Bible is very clear, there is only one God and we are not Him (Deuteronomy 6:4). Yet, we were originally designed to be His children who carry His nature. My daughter looks like me, but she is not me. However, my DNA was imparted to her. Yet, we are not the same person.

God imparted His nature to humanity because He wanted to communicate with us and father us.

Have you ever seen ants talk to each other? Have you see them warn each other of danger? If you step on one ant, the ant that was closest to the murder scene lets the next ant know, who lets the next ant know, and in a matter of seconds, they are all running for their lives! Ants can communicate with each other because they share the same nature. God created us with His divine nature, because He wanted us to know His

thoughts, feel His emotions, and hear His voice. He wanted to know us and be known by us. He wanted to father us!

We were made in Godʼs image, which is Spirit (John 4:24) and love (1 John 4:8). Therefore, we are most fulfilled when our spiritual needs through a vibrant relationship with our Heavenly Father and when our lives are consumed by divine love of our Heavenly Father!

God began with the end in mind

When my wife and I were expecting our baby girl, we were so excited! My heart would melt just dreaming about holding her in my arms. My wife and I made sure we got everything ready for her: the crib, the stroller, the car seat, her clothes, her diapers, and of course the toys. All for the one we love!

What the Scriptures reveal to us about God is that He starts with the end in mind (Isaiah 46:10). He started the creation of this planet with the end in mind, having a family. Everything He did in the first five days of creation was all preparation for what He would do on Day 6, bringing His children into the world.

Therefore, itʼs safe to say:

He made the sun for us, to provide warmth, lighting, and nutrients. He made the moon for us, so we would have a nightlight, yet it wouldnʼt be as bright as the sun, so we could go to sleep. He made the stars, so we can gaze upon them and marvel! He created the seas, so we could swim in them, surf the waves, and marvel as the vastness of the ocean. He created mountains, so we could stand in awe of them. He made the flowers, so we could appreciate their beauty and aroma.

He created plants, fruits, and vegetables, so we could enjoy the colors, flavors, and be nourished. He created animals, so we can be entertained.

Itʼs incredible to think that he crafted the perfect world in the first five days of creation, all in anticipation for who would come on Day 6.

The Fatherʼs Affections

One night, we were in the hospital, where they kept us for 48 hours after the birth, and while mom was sleeping I was awake holding her in my arms and she just kept looking into my eyes. We bonded, to say the least. I felt a love that I hadnʼt felt since I got saved! I wept tears of joy. For that emotional hour, I looked like the baby.

Then a holy thought crossed my mind, “Could this be how God felt when He first beheld breathing human beings? Is this anything close to how Father God feels about us? Does just one glance of my eye melt His heart?”

I felt like I had just walked into a divine set up. I thought to myself, “Perhaps God has given to us that gift of a child because He wanted us to get a sample about how He feels about us?”

Jesus and the Father

In the Old Testament, God is referred to as a father only about 14 times, while in just the four gospels alone, Jesus makes reference to God as His Father and our Father over 60 times! Jesus came to reveal Godʼs original intent and to bring forth restoration of Godʼs purposes for all of humanity.

As you read the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, you see how Jesus perfectly modeled what it looked like to be a good son. Jesus had a relationship with the Father that was defined by love, honor, and trust.

Jesus didnʼt want to be the only one walking in sonship! Therefore, He came to the earth to die on the cross for our redemption and restoration (Luke 19:10)! Now, through Jesusʼ sacrificial death on the cross, we can all enjoy sonship, which was our original intent.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24)

“For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.” (Hebrews 2:10)

The Bible teaches that in order to become children of God, we need to be born-again. This is through receiving Jesus and believing in His name.

Although Godʼs perfect will was that humanity would be His beloved children, we became a fallen human race because of sin. Sin speaks of missing the mark, when we sinned, we missed Godʼs will, which was a love relationship with the Father. Since the fall of humanity in Genesis 3, we lost our position as sons!

The Bible is about God looking to rescue His fallen children from the domain of darkness and restoring them as children of God! God chose to do this by sending Jesus! Jesus made it clear that the purpose of His coming was to bring restoration (Luke 19:10).

We needed redemption, so Jesus came as the Redeemer.

We need restoration, so Jesus came as the Restorer. We needed Salvation, so Jesus came as the Savior.

We need to receive the Redeemer to be redeemed. We need to receive the Restorer in order to be restored. We need to receive the Savior, in order to receive salvation. When we receive Godʼs Son, we become children of God.

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12)

Jesus came to bridge us back to the Father.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

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